The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, physical or mental disability or genetic information.  Such an environment is necessary to a healthy learning, working and living atmosphere. Accordingly, all acts of discrimination, harassment, retaliation and sexual misconduct as defined by this Policy are prohibited.

UAHT is committed to maintaining an academic and working environment free from conflicts of interest, favoritism, exploitation, breach of trust, or abuse of power. It is prohibited for any teacher or staff to have a sexual or amorous relationship with any student at UAHT where one person holds a position over the other, either pedagogical or supervisory. In the event a relationship exists, students are required to report the relationship to the Dean of Students.

Title IX protects the UHT community from sexual discrimination, harassment and misconduct in a school’s education programs and activities. Title IX protects the UAHT community in connection with all academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic and other College programs, whether those programs take place on UAHT property, in UAHT transportation, at a class or training program sponsored by UAHT at another location or elsewhere.

All Complaints or any concerns about conduct that may violate this Policy should be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator:

Brian Berry, Vice Chancellor for Student Services
University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana
Student Center room 229
P.O. Box 140, Hope, AR 71802-0140


Kathryn Hopkins, Human Resource Officer
Administrative Complex room 125
P.O. Box 140, Hope, AR 71802-0140

Filing Report with Local Law Enforcement

In some instances, sexual misconduct may constitute both a violation of UAHT policy and criminal activity.  The UAHT grievance process is not a substitute for instituting legal action.  UAHT encourages individuals to report alleged sexual misconduct promptly to campus officials AND to law enforcement authorities, where appropriate.  Individuals may file a report directly with local law enforcement agencies by dialing 911.  Individuals may also contact any of the following for assistance in filing a report with local law enforcement:

Hope Campus Security

Administrative Complex, Room 167

2500 South Main

Hope, AR 71801


Texarkana Campus Security

Campus Center, Room 100

3501 U of A Way

Texarkana, AR 71854


Hope Police Department

312 South Washington Street

Hope, AR 71801


Texarkana Police Department

100 North Stateline Avenue

Texarkana, AR 75504



For the complete text of UAHT’s policy, please refer to:

Title IX Policy for Complaints of Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Harassment

Policy and Procedure on Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Resources

Title IX Pregnancy Protections & Guidelines

Training Materials for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, and Decision Makers

Click to view our campus TIX Training

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