UACCH Archives holds records that document the governance of the college; administrative
and academic activities, policies and programs; special events; college faculty, staff,
and administrators; and student life. The holdings of the Archives document significant
milestones in the development and history of the college.
- The UACCH Classification & Retention Schedule describes records and specifies how long they must be kept and when they can be destroyed.
- Refer to Using the Schedule and
Understanding the schedule for details about the schedule.
- Consult with the Archivist for assistance in applying the schedule and implementing
the retention and disposition options.
- Contact the Archivist if certain records are not included in the schedule or if the
specified retention period seems inappropriate.
Criteria for storage by the Archives:
- must be inactive (no longer required by the creating department to carry on its current
activities and business),
- must be the official copy of the records,
- must have at least two years remaining on the scheduled retention period, and
- will ultimately be destroyed or permanently transferred to the college Archives.
Procedures for Transfer to the Archives:
- Record storage boxes: All records must be transferred in non-acidic record storage boxes. This provides
for maximum efficiency and makes the best use of available shelf space. Each box holds
one cubic foot of material; that is, approximately 15 of records in leter file folders
or 12 of records in legal file folders. One file drawer of letter-sized files fill
up about two record boxes.
- Preparing records for storage:
- Transfer records in the same folders in which they were filed in your filing cabinets.
- Remove records from hanging files and place the records in file folders.
- Remove records from 3-ring notebooks and place the records in file folders.
- Remove all rubber bands. Do not remove staples or paper clips.
- Label every folder identifying the contents of the folder.
- Place all folders vertically in the box facing in the same direction so that the labels
be easily read.
- Place the records in the box in the same order as they were arranged in the filing
- Remove all records that are not the record or official copy as outlined in the retention
- Remove duplicate and unnecessary records.
- Put only one series or type of record in a box. Boxes containing records with mixed
periods will not be accepted for storage in the Archives.
- Do not overstuff the boxes. Allow about 1.5 of empty space in each box for easy retrieval
- If the records do not fill the box, make a spacer from used cardboard to keep the
folders from
flopping over or sagging.
- Consult the archivist about those records which are too large to fit into a standard
storage box.
- Do not store photographs, negatives, video tapes, audio tapes, computer tapes or disks,
or other
records in non-paper formats together with paper records.
- Labels: Temporarily mark the boxes on the upper left corner of the front of the box with
the department, division, and the box number. The Archives staff will prepare permanent
labels after the boxes are transferred to the Archives.
- Forms: All records transferred to the Archives must be accompanied by a Transmittal Form
Contents List.
Using the Schedule: In order to provide a variety of ways to find records and to use the schedule, the records are grouped and linked in three different ways: by
category, title, or responsible unit. You may also search the schedule using the search tool.
Understanding the Schedule:
UACCHs Schedule: This schedule is tailored to meet the record keeping practices and needs of UACCH.
Minimum Retentions: The retention periods established in this schedule are minimum retentions. This means that the records must be kept for at least as long as the stated retentions. The retentions are not maximum retentions and the records may be kept longer than the stated retention period if necessary. If you wish to keep records longer than the stated retention period, consult the college Archivist.
Retention Periods: The retention period is determined by applying a variety of critera to the records:
- Records which document the administrative, legal, and financial functions and activities
of the college.
- Records may have long-term or historical value because they contain information of
historical interest to the creating department, the college, the community, and to future researchers.
- Federal requirements
- Oregon statutes and administrative rules
- LCC policy and the needs of the creators of the records
- Best business practices and professional standards
- These types of questions are often asked when deciding on retention periods:
- How often do I need to refer to the records?
- What would be the consequences if the records no longer existed?
- Is access to the records restricted by confidentiality and privacy concerns?
- Do the records exist in another form (paper, electronic, microfilm)?
- What effect will the format of the records have on the long-term accessibility
and preservation of the records or information? Will electronic records remain accessible despite changes in hardware and software?
Calculating Retention Periods: Retention periods are typically based upon the:
- calendar year (January 1 December 31)
- fiscal year (July 1 June 30)
- academic year (July 1 June 30)
The retention period is calculated from the latest date of records in an entire series
or group of similar records. For example, if financial records have a retention period
of five years, and the records were created during the 1995-1996 fiscal year (July 1,
1995 June 30, 1996), the five-year retention period begins on July 1, 1996 and ends five
years later on July 1, 2001. Retention periods are not calculated from the accession date
or time of transfer to the Archives.
Record Copy: Retention periods, as specified in the records retention schedule, apply to the record or official copy of the record or document. Typically,
there will be only one record copy which will be retained by the department or person who
created the record.
Responsible Unit: A records retention schedule typically indicates which office or department is responsible for keeping the record copy. The department
or person who created the records will generally be responsible for keeping the records; however,
that responsibility may be assigned to another department by mutual agreement. For example,
college finance typically retains the record copy of financial records, even though those
records may originate with another department or office and multiple copies of the record
may exist.
Applying the Schedule: The schedule lists and describes records that community colleges may create and maintain.
If a department has records that are listed in the schedule, then those records are
governed by the schedule. However, the schedule does not require certain record keeping practices,
and it should not be assumed that the listed records must be created and maintained.
Furthermore, the schedule does not indicate or prescribe a certain format or media
(paper, microfilm, electronic records, optical disks, photographs, audio and video recordings,
etc.) The schedule applies to records and the information they contain regardless of format.
The retention periods listed in the schedule refer only to the official or record
copy of the document. No authorization for destruction of reference or convenience copies is required.
Schedule Format: Sample: (see Key at bottom)
[A] Board of Education Records
[B] Schedule Number: 166-450-0005 (13) [C] [Governing Board Records]
[D] Records that document the functions and policies of the Board of Education, Board
of Directors, or other similarly named governing body of the college. The Board of Education has primary authority for establishing policies governing the operation of the college
and adopting the colleges annual budget. The board is composed of elected members from designated geographical zones in the college district. Records include but are not limited to:
[E] Agendas, Audio recordings of meeting proceedings, Certificates of election, Correspondence, Meeting minutes, Oaths of office, Policies adopted, reauthorized, or disapproved, Resolutions (Resolutions concerning financial policies and activities may become a
part of the Budget Document.)
[F] Retention: permanent [G] Disposition: transfer to Archives [H] Responsible unit: Chancellors Office
[E] Board Mailings: The records may also include a booklet or package of information prepared before the board meetings. The packet may include the meeting agenda, minutes, background information about agenda items, reports, action items, and other information items.
[F] Retention: permanent [G] Disposition: transfer to Archives [H] Responsible unit: Chancellors Office
[I] Budget Committee Records
[J] Note:
[A] Title: descriptive title of the records series.
[B] Schedule Number: unique number referring to records retention schedule number.
[C] Alternate Title: another name for the same or similar records that may be used by other departments,
colleges, or in the state general records retention schedule.
[D] Description: narrative description of the records summarizing the activities or functions of
the records and explaining why the records were created and what their purpose is.
[E] Contents: list of the specific types of materials, documents, or information contained in
the records.
[F] Retention Period: the retention statement is the minimum length of time that the records must be kept.
[G] Disposition: the disposition statement indicates what to do with the record (transfer to storage,
transfer to Archives, destroy).
[H] Responsible Unit: the responsible unit is the department or office which holds the official or record
copy and is therefore responsible for keeping and disposing of the record.
[I] Related Records: a cross reference to similar or related records.
[J] Access & Confidentiality Note: some records may have restricted access because of privacy issues or they may require
special handling and confidential destruction because they contain information that
must remain confidential.