Academic integrity is a part of the educational process. All persons in the college community are responsible for promoting and protecting academic integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or facilitating academic dishonesty is prohibited and have associated consequences. Disciplinary actions involving academic dishonest are matters of academics and not criminal or civil legal proceedings.

The Student Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy developed by the UAHT Faculty Senate is designed to educate students, to protect the rights of students accused of violating the UAHT Student Conduct Code, and to deter further violations through remediation. The Student Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy identifies three levels of academic dishonesty:

Academic Dishonesty Levels:

Level 1 Minor infraction (student lacks understanding). Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Improper use of outside sources
  • Collaborating inappropriately while completing outside coursework
  • Consequences: This level of infraction is to be handled between the instructor and student. The instructor has the discretion of giving a zero for the assignment. The instructor will counsel the student on correct procedures, the consequences for future infractions, and on the Grade Appeals for Students. The instructor will document the infraction and counseling session through either Blackboard assignment comments or an email to the student.

Level 2 Mid-level infraction. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Repeated infractions after counseling with student as outlined above
  • Cheating on an exam
  • Plagiarism
  • Cutting/pasting or manually copying anothers work without proper citation
  • Receiving (or giving) answers from another student
  • Copying a classmates assignment and passing it off as ones own work (Ex. Minor assignments such as homework, quizzes, in-class work, etc.)
  • Violation in a professional program of study (as outlined in CNA, LPN, EMS, etc.). Allied Health students such as those in Nursing, CNA, EMT/Paramedic and Funeral Service are subject to their respective program guidelines and procedures regarding disciplinary actions involving honesty and integrity as listed in their program handbooks.
  • Consequences: This level of infraction is to be handled primarily between the instructor and student. The student will receive a written copy of the allegations, including any evidence. The student will have the opportunity to review the evidence and submit evidence on their behalf to the instructor. The student may receive a zero for the assignment based on evidence presented. The student will be counseled on the consequences for future infractions and on the Grade Appeals for Students. An Incident Form is to be completed by the instructor and a copy given to the student, academic dean, and Dean for Student Services.

Level 3 High-level infraction (Above and beyond standard academic violations). Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Further repeated infractions after counseling with student as outlined above
  • Stealing and/or sharing exams or other work (Ex. Major assignments such as a presentation, research paper, essay, project, etc.)
  • Buying or selling papers for purpose of cheating
  • Passing off another persons work as your own, in its entirety, as your own (with or without permission)
  • Impersonating another student
  • Violation in a professional program of study (as outlined in CNA, LPN, EMS, etc.). Allied Health students such as those in Nursing, CNA, EMT/Paramedic and Funeral Service are subject to their respective program guidelines and procedures regarding disciplinary actions involving honesty and integrity as listed in their program handbooks.
  • Consequences: This level of infraction is to be handled between the instructor, the academic dean and student (process outlined below). The instructor will submit the allegations and evidence of the infraction to the student and academic dean. The student will have the opportunity to review the evidence and submit evidence on their behalf to the academic dean. A meeting will follow between the instructor, academic dean, and student. Documentation of allegations and evidence must be provided to the student and academic dean at least 3 days prior to the meeting. The instructor and student may each have one additional UAHT campus personnel present in the meeting to support their case. The academic dean will make the final decision as to whether the alleged infraction was committed. If evidence supports that the infraction did take place, the instructor and academic dean will consult as to whether the consequence will be withdrawal (W) or failure (F) of the course. An Incident Form is to be completed by the instructor and a copy given to the student, academic dean, and Dean for Student Services. After the decision is made about the course, the matter is referred to the Dean of Student Services to determine if the incident should also be adjudicated through the student conduct process which could result in additional sanctions including suspension or dismissal from the college.
  • NOTE: In the event that the instructor is also the academic dean of the division, the case will be presented to and decision made by a dean of a different academic division.

Appeal process: If the student disagrees with the final decision, they may utilize the Grade Appeals for Students policy.

Note: Certain programs of study, such as nursing, may have more severe consequences than listed above for certain infractions, and this policy does not supersede those policies. Refer to program-specific policies for further information pertaining to Academic Honesty issues.

It is the student’s responsibility to:

  • know and understand the college’s Academic Honesty & Integrity Policy.
  • know and understand each Instructor’s testing rules as presented in each Instructor’s course syllabus and/or on individual tests.
  • assume that you are NOT allowed to use your book or notes while testing unless your instructor states use of resources is allowed.
  • test all personal equipment by taking the practice exam(s) provided by the instructor before taking a major exam through Respondus Monitor. Technical issues not dealt with beforehand are not a reason for the instructor to allow exceptions to testing deadlines.
  • not give the appearance of cheating, such as leaving the testing location, obviously looking at other documents or screens (if not permitted by the instructor), being out of view of the
    webcam, talking, using headphones/earbuds, smartwatches, cell phones, or other electronic


  • Allow access to both your webcam and microphone for Respondus testing.
  • If prompted, show a student ID or driver’s license. Your instructor may deduct up to 10% of your test for failure to show valid identification on every test requiring Respondus.
  • Be alone in the room with no distractions or help from anyone.
  • Clear desk of any unnecessary objects. Only have accessories available that are allowed by the instructor: paper, calculator, etc. Remove hats, earbuds, and smart watches. Do not tape notes to your laptop screen. If your instructor suspects you have notes taped to your laptop screen, they can ask you to use a handheld mirror to show your computer screen during the webcam check.
  • Stay in front of the computer monitor and in view of the camera during the entire exam. Your instructor should be able to see your entire face for the entire test…not the top of your head.
  • Slowly and thoroughly scan your entire environment on the webcam check. Show your entire desktop, under the desk, and the areas behind the desk, including the walls. Prove to your instructor that you do not have a second laptop, other electronic devices, notes, or other people available to help you on the exam. Use a handheld mirror to show you do not have notes attached to your laptop screen.
  • Students who fail to perform a full environment check as described above will be subject to an automatic 25% deduction on the exam. Click HERE and HERE to watch these quick YouTube videos on how to perform a good environment check!
  • A second violation of either failing to show your ID or not performing a full environment check could result in your instructor requiring you to take all remaining exams on-campus in proctored testing center.


  • If an instructor determines that a student has cheated or plagiarized during an exam, the
    student will fail the exam and will not be permitted to retake it.
  • Along with the failing grade, the student will also forfeit the ability to use Respondus Monitor for future exams for the course in which the student cheated. Loss of the ability to use Respondus Monitor means that the student is required to take all future exams for that course at the UAHT Testing Center or at another approved college testing center nationwide.
  • The instructor may choose to submit an incident form outlining the details of the
    cheating/plagiarism to the office of the Dean of Students to be placed in the student’s academic record.
  • Students have the right to follow the established Student Grade Appeals procedure outlined in the College Catalog if they wish to appeal the test results.