History of TRiO

The history of TRIO is progressive. It began with Upward Bound, which emerged out of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in response to the administrations War on Poverty. In 1965, Talent Search, the second outreach program, was created as part of the Higher Education Act. In 1968, Student Support Services, which was originally known as Special Services for Disadvantaged Students, was authorized by the Higher Education Amendments and became the third in a series of educational opportunity programs. By the late 1960s, the term TRIO was coined to describe these federal programs.

Program Description

The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana was first awarded the TRIO Upward Bound grant in 2017. The annual grant award in the amount of $302,292 is used to provide services to 60 students in grades 9-12 at target area schools: Arkansas High School, Fouke High School, and Hope High School.
Upward Bound provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Upward Bound helps high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelors degree or higher. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. The Upward Bound program consists of an Academic Year Component and a six-week Summer Residential Component.

Services Provided By Upward Bound

During the Academic Year (September May) students meet monthly for academic enrichment which includes:

During the six-week Summer Immersion Component (June-July) participants reside on the UAHT Campus and receive the following:

Students participating in the program will receive stipends for participation and positive academic progress.

Upon high school graduation, seniors may participate in a Summer Bridge Program. This program allows students to enroll in up to six (6) hours of college credit courses. Tuition, fees, and books will be paid in full by the Upward Bound Program.

Contact Information

Kardashia Howell, Student Development Coordinator, Kadarshia.Howell@uaht.edu, 870-722-8563
Justin McKillion, Curriculum Coordinator, justin.mckillion@uaht.edu, 870-722-8597
Carolyn Beasley, TRIO Upward Bound Director, carolyn.beasley@uaht.edu, 870-722-8287

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