
Every participant will experience the victory of completing post-secondary education.


To provide support and services, increase retention and graduation rates at UAHT, and help participants make the transition to the next level of higher education.

Student Support Services is designed to meet the needs of low-income, first-generation college students, andstudents with disabilitiesenrolled in the institution. The basic purpose of the project will be to provide support services to these students which will enhance their academic skills, increase their retention and graduation rates, and, as appropriate, facilitate their entrance into upper-level and professional programs. In addition, the college will develop an institutional climate supportive of these students.

Support services to be provided to eligible students will include academicadvisement and support, instructional programs to include courses in reading, mathematics, English/Writing, study skills/resources, foreign language, academic tutoring, personal counseling, financial assistance, and a variety of support activities to include career counseling, admissions and financial assistance to transfer to four year institutions or professional schools. In addition, the campus climate component contains such activities ascultural events and shop-talk sessions with key University of Arkansas Community College at Hope staff and faculty members and life management workshops, and school/mentoring to build self-esteem.

Personal Education Plan


ADA Statement


TRiO Student Support Services Staff


Terry Harden, Director of TRiO SSS
Shawna Bittle, TRiO SSS Educational Specialist
Patoreus Lewis, TRiO SSS Educational Specialist
Shamanda Nelson, TRiO SSS Educational Specialist
Texarkana Campus