The 1930s 12
Black Thursday, 24 October 1929 12 Civilian Conservation Corps 12 |
Hindenburg Disaster12
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 123 |
Books & eBooks eBooks require EBSCO login. There are more books, eBooks & DVDs related to the Great Depression on the shelves and available through the Librarys databases.
Black blizzard: the storm at the heart of the Great Depression produced by Engel Entertainment, Inc. for History;
producers, Amy Bucher, Heidi Burke; writer, Amy Bucher. Call #: DVD F595.B53 2011
Charleston and the Great Depression: a documentary history, 1929-1941 edited by Kieran W. Taylor.
Children of the Dust Bowl: the true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp by Jerry Stanley.
Call #: LC5152.C2 S73 1992
Corporate Dreams Big Business in American Democracy from the Great Depression to the
Great Recession
by James Hoopes.
The defining moment the Great Depression and the American economy in the twentieth
century edited by
Michael D. Bordo, Claudia Goldin, and Eugene N. White. Series: A National Bureau of
Research project report.
The Depression and New Deal: a history in documents by Robert S. McElvaine. Call #: E806.M43 2000
The economics of the great depression, Mark Wheeler, editor.
Essays on the great depression by Ben Bernanke.
Faulkner and the Great Depression aesthetics, ideology, and cultural politics by Ted Atkinson.
The Great Depression, produced by Towers Productions, Inc. for The History Channel. Series: Multimedia
classroom American history series; volume 1, lesson 16. Call #: DVD E178.1.M95 2005
The Great Depression edited by David Haugen, Susan Musser, and Vickey Kalambakal. Call #: E806.G829 2010
The Great Depression by Edmund O. Stillman.
The Great Depression an international disaster of perverse economic policies by Thomas E. Hall.
The Great Depression and the New Deal by Robert F. Himmelberg. Series: Greenwood Press guides to historic
events of the twentieth century, Published 2001.
The Great Depression & the New Deal a very short introduction by Eric Rauchway.
The Great Depression: experience the 1930s from the Dust Bowl to the New Deal by Marcia Amidon Lusted.
Series: Inquire and investigate, Published 2016.
The Great Depression in America a cultural encyclopedia by William H. Young.
Great Depression people and perspectives edited by Hamilton Cravens. Series: Perspectives in American
social history.
Lessons from the Great Depression by Peter Temin. Series: The Lionel Robbins lectures for 1989.
Lords of finance: the bankers who broke the world by Liaquat Ahamed. Call #: HG172.A2 A43 2009
The Midas paradox: financial markets, government policy shocks, and the Great Depression
by Scott B. Sumner.
New Deal or raw deal?: how FDRs economic legacy has damaged America by Burton W. Folsom.
Call #: E806.F64 2008
Or does it explode? Black Harlem in the Great Depression by Cheryl Lynn Greenberg.
Rebirth: Mexican Los Angeles from the great migration to the Great Depression by Douglas Monroy.
Remembering the Great Depression in the rural South by Kenneth J. Bindas. Call #: F215.B58 2007
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the economics of recovery by Elliot A. Rosen.
The segregated origins of social security: African Americans and the welfare state
by Mary Poole.
Call #: E185.8.P66 2006
Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris. Call #: PS3613.C585453 S65 2018
Stories of survival: Arkansas farmers during the Great Depression by compiled by William D. Downs, Jr.
Call #: F411.S86 2011
Whos in the money?: the Great Depression musicals and Hollywoods New Deal by Harvey G. Cohen.