Many more eBooks related to Arkansas are available through the Librarys databases.
100 Americans making constitutional history a biographical history edited by Melvin I. Urofsky. Washington, DC:
CQ Press, c2004.
American Congo the African American freedom struggle in the Delta by Nan Elizabeth Woodruff. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 2003.
The American Indian in the Civil War, 1862-1865 by Annie Heloise Abel. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c1992.
American legislative leaders in the South, 1911-1994 edited by James Roger Sharp and Nancy Weatherly Sharp; Kevin G.
Atwater and Gina Petonito, aassistant editors ; Charles F. Ritter and Jon L. Wakelyn,
advisory editors. Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Arkansas by Ellen Macaulay. New York: Childrens Press, c2009. Call #: F411.3 .M37 2009
Arkansas: a narrative history by Jeannie M. Whayne .et al; with a foreword by Willard B. Gatewood. Fayetteville:
of Arkansas Press, 2002. Call #: F411 .A772 2002
The Arkansas: an American river by William Mills. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1988.
Call no: QH104.5.A74M54 1988
Arkansas atlas & gazetteer: GPS grids, topo maps of the entire state, back roads,
outdoor recreation DeLorme.
Yarmouth, ME: DeLorme, c1997. Call #: REF G1355 .D4 1997
Arkansas before the Americans edited by Hester A. Davis; contributions by Morris S. Arnold et al. Fayetteville,
Arkansas Archeological Survey, 1991. Call #: E99.Q2 A75 1991
Arkansas biographical dictionary: people of all times and all places who have been
important to the history and life of the
state St. Clair Shores, MI: Somerset, c1998. Call #: REF F410 .A75 1998
Arkansas birds: their distribution and abundance by Douglas A. James. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1986.
Call no: QL684.A8J36 1986
Arkansas curiosities: quirky characters, roadside oddities & other offbeat stuff by Janie and Wyatt Jones. Guilford, CT:
Globe Pequot Press, c2010. Call #: F411.6 .J66 2010
The Arkansas handbook by Diann Sutherlin. Little Rock, AR: Fly-by-Night Press, c1996. Call #: F409.3 .S65
Arkansas higher education, 1971-1995 by H. D. Luck. San Antonio: Watercress Press, 1996. Call #: LA240.5 .L83 1996
Arkansas in short fiction: stories from 1841 to 1984 edited by William M. Baker & Ethel C. Simpson. Little Rock: August
House, 1986. Call #: PS558.A8 A74 1986
Arkansas mammals: their natural history, classification, and distribution by John A. Sealander. Fayetteville: University of
Arkansas Press, 1990. Call no: QL719.A8S43 1990
Arkansas: off the beaten path. Old Saybrook, Conn.: Globe Pequot Press, c1992- Call #: F409.3 .D45 1998
Arkansas odyssey: the saga of Arkansas from prehistoric times to present: a history
by Michael B. Dougan.
Little Rock, AR: Rose Pub. Co., c1994. Call #: F411 .D68 1994
Arkansas politics and government by Diane D. Blair. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c2005.
Arkansas roadsides: a guidebook for the state by Bill Earngey. Eureka Springs, AR: East Mountain Press; Little Rock:
August House, c1987. Call #: F409.3 .E27 1987
Black gun, silver star the life and legend of frontier marshal Bass Reeves by Arthur T. Burton. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, c2006.
Black heritage sites an African American odyssey and finders guide by Nancy C. Curtis. Chicago: American Library
Association, 1996.
Black victory the rise and fall of the white primary in Texas by Darlene Clark Hine. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri
Press, c2003.
Blackland prairies of the Gulf coastal plain nature, culture, and sustainability edited by Evan Peacock and Timothy
Schauwecker. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2003.
Boom*Town how Wal-Mart transformed an all-American town into an international community by Marjorie Rosen.
Chicago, IL: Chicago Review Press, c2009.
The Buffalo, Ben, and me by Todd Parnell. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, c2007.
Capture Arkansas presented by the Democrat-Gazette. Little Rock: Arkanasas Democrat Gazette, c2008.
Call #: REF F412 .C36 2008
Changing perspectives on the archaeology of the Central Mississippi River Valley edited by Michael J. OBrien and Robert
C. Dunnell. Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, c1998.
The Clinton presidency and the constitutional system edited by Rosanna Perotti ; with an introduction by Meena Bose.
College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2012.
Colonial Arkansas, 1686-1804: a social and cultural history by Morris S. Arnold. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press,
1991. Call #: F411 .A788 1991
A complicated man the life of Bill Clinton as told by those who know him by Michael Takiff. New Haven: Yale University
Press, c2010.
Concentration camps on the home front Japanese Americans in the house of Jim Crow
by John Howard. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2008.
Confederate Arkansas the people and policies of a frontier state in wartime by Michael B. Dougan. University, AL:
University of Alabama Press, c1976. Call no: E553.D68
The constitutionalism of American states edited by George E. Connor and Christopher W. Hammons; foreword by
Donald S. Lutz. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, c2008.
Contributions to Arkansas medical history: History of Medicine Associates research
award papers, 1988-1992 edited by
Edwina Walls Mann; with an introduction by Jonathan J. Wolfe. Kansas City, Mo.: Published
for the History of
Medicine Associates by Walsworth Print. Co., 1999. Call #: R167 .C66 1999
The creation/evolution controversy a battle for cultural power by Kary D. Smout. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.
Edward Palmers Arkansas mounds by Edward Palmer. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1990.
Fishes of Arkansas by Henry W. Robison. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 1988. Call no:
QL628.A8R63 1988
Ghost of the Ozarks murder and memory in the upland South by Brooks Blevins. Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
The gospel of the working class labors Southern prophets in New Deal America by Erik S. Gellman. Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, c2011.
The impact of the Civil War and reconstruction on Arkansas persistence in the midst
of ruin by Carl H. Moneyhon.
Baton Rogue: Louisiana State University Press, c1994. Call no: a E553.9.M65 1994
Keys to the flora of Arkansas by Edwin B. Smith. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1994.
Call no: QK148.S58 1994
Little Rock race and resistance at Central High School by Karen Anderson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, c2010.
The Louisiana and Arkansas expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore by Clarence B. Moore. Tuscaloosa: University of
Alabama Press, c2003.
The Lower Mississippi Valley expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore by Clarence B. Moore. Tuscaloosa, AL: University
of Alabama Press, c1998.
The Mississippian emergence edited by Bruce D. Smith ; with a new preface by the author. Tuscaloosa: University
Alabama Press, c2007.
Only in Arkansas: a study of the endemic plants and animals of the state by Henry W. Robison. Fayetteville, AR: Univ. of
Arkansas Press, 1995. CAll no: QL163.R635 1995
The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast edited by David G. Anderson and Kenneth E. Sassaman. Tuscaloosa:
University of Alabama Press, c1996.
Prehistory of the Central Mississippi Valley by edited by Charles H. McNutt. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press,
Redefining the color line: Black activism in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1940-1970 by John A. Kirk. Gainesville: University Press
of Florida, c2002. Call #: F419.L7 K57 2002
Resistance to public school desegregation Little Rock, Arkansas, and beyond by Frances Lisa Baer. New York:
LFB Scholarly Pub., 2008.
Stories of survival: Arkansas farmers during the Great Depression compiled by William D. Downs, Jr. Fayetteville, AR:
Phoenix International, c2011. Call #: F411 .S86 2011
A thorough and accurate history of genuine diamonds in Arkansas by Glenn W. Worthington. Murfreesboro, AR:
M.A.P./Mid-America Prospecting, c2003. Call #: TN993 .W67 2003
Visible man: the life of Henry Dumas by Jeffrey B. Leak. Athens ; London: The University of Georgia Press, [2013]
War and wartime changes: the transformation of Arkansas, 1940-1945. by C. Calvin Smith. Fayetteville: University of
Arkansas Press, 1986. Call no: D769.85.A7S54 1986
With fire and sword: Arkansas, 1861-1874 by Thomas A. DeBlack. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2003.
Call #: E553 .D43 2003
Wilsons Creek, Pea Ridge, and Prairie Grove a battlefield guide, with a section on
Wire Road by Earl J. Hess et al;
cartography by Christopher L. Brest. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c2006.