Criminal Justice
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Adventures in criminal justice research data analysis using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for
Windows. Los Angeles, CA; London : SAGE, c2008.
Constitutional law by John C. Klotter. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Pub. Co., 1995.
Call number: KF9625 .K55 1995
Crime scene investigation: crack the case with real-life experts. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest, 2004. Call number: HV8073 .C6927 2004
Criminal justice edited by Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press, 2006. Call number: REF KF9214.5.C75 2006
Criminal justice by Ursula Smartt. London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006.
Criminal justice reform in Russia, Ukraine, and the former republics of the Soviet
Union trial by jury and mixed courts by Nikolai Kovalev. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, c2010.
Criminal and social justice by Dee Cook. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, 2006.
Criminal justice and the placement of abused children by Diane R. Martel. New York : LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2005.
Criminal law reform and transitional justice human rights perspectives for sudan by edited by Lutz Oette.Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2011.
Deadhouse: life in a coroner’s office by John Temple. Call number: RA1022.U6 T46 2005
Death and justice: an exposé of Oklahoma’s death row machine by Mark Fuhrman. New York: Morrow, 2003. Call number: HV9955.O5 F85 2003
Death’s acre: inside the legendary forensic lab the Body Farm where the dead do tell tales by William M. Bass. New York: Putnam, 2003. Call number: GN69.8 .B37 2003
DNA and the criminal justice system the technology of justice edited by David Lazer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2004.
Doing justice to mercy religion, law, and criminal justice edited by Jonathan Rothchild, Matthew Myer Boulton and Kevin Jung. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2007.
Ethics and Accountability in Criminal Justice Towards a Universal Standard. by Tim Prenzler. Bowen Hills: Australian Academic Press, 2009.
FBI handbook of crime scene forensics by Federal Bureau of Investigation
Call number: HV8073.F35 2008
From social justice to criminal justice poverty and the administration of criminal
law edited by William C. Heffernan and John Kleinig. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Information technology and the criminal justice system edited by April Pattavina. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2005.
Juries and the transformation of criminal justice in France in the nineteenth & twentieth
centuries by James M. Donovan. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, c2010.
Law without justice why criminal law doesn’t give people what they deserve by Paul H. Robinson. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Measurement problems in criminal justice research workshop summary by John V. Pepper and Carol V. Petrie Committee on Law and Justice and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral
and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies. Washington, D.C.
: National Academies Press, c2003.
Opportunities in law enforcement and criminal justice careers by James D. Stinchcomb. Chicago: VGM Career Books, 2003. Call number: HV8143 .S86 2003
Public policy: crime and criminal justice by Barry W. Hancock. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. Call number: HV9950 .H38 1997
Understanding modernisation in criminal justice by Paul Senior. Maidenhead, England; New York: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, 2007.
Understanding public attitudes to criminal justice by Julian V. Roberts. Maidenhead, Berkshire; New York: Open University Press, 2005.
Understanding risk in criminal justice by Hazel Kemshall. Berkshire Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press, 2003.
Uniform crime reports for the United States. Washington : Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Dept. of Justice: U.S. G.P.O., 1930-1998. Call number: HV6787 .A3
The wrong men: America’s epidemic of wrongful death row convictions by Stanley Cohen. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003. Call number: HV8698 .C64 2003