The default search screen for eBooks on EBSCOhost is basic search. The eBook Collection landing page displayed below is available by clicking the eBooks link in the top toolbar.

There are several ways to search for eBooks on EBSCOhost:
- Perform a keyword search of the eBooks database using the Find field.
- Browse by Category by selecting a category from the column on the left.
- View the Latest Added eBooks using the left and right arrows.
- Click View All to view a result list of all latest added eBooks.
- View Featured eBooks using the left and right arrows or
- click View All to view a result list of all Featured eBooks.
To search for eBooks:
Enter your search terms in the Find field and click the Search button

A Result List of eBooks related to your search terms is displayed.

- Click the eBook Full Text link to read the book in the eBook Viewer tool.
- Click the Table of Contents link to view the chapters of an eBook.
- Youcan godirectly to a chapter in the eBook Viewer tool by clicking on a hyperlinked chapter.
- Note: Sections in the Table of Contents with a plus sign (+) can be expanded further by clicking the plus sign.
- A Detailed Record can be viewed by clicking an eBook title in the Result list.
- From the Detailed Record, you can read the eBook using the links in the left column.
- From the right column, you can print, email, save, or export the record, as well as add the details aboutthe eBook to your folder.
- At the bottom of the Detailed Record, you can view Search Terms Within this eBook and the Table of Contents (-) in the upper left corner of the section.
- Search Terms Within this eBook: Displays the most relevant sections of the eBook in which your search terms appear in the text.
- Table of Contents: Displays the Table of Contents for the eBook you are viewing. Clicking on a hyperlinked chapter opens the chapter in the eBook Viewer tool.
- eBooks can be read onlinein the eBook Viewer by clicking the eBook Full Text link on the Result List or Detailed Record.
Included in the Tools column on the right, are tools that allow you to search within the text of the eBook and save a note on the eBook in your My EBSCOhost folder.
Click the magnifying glass icon to search for terms within the eBook.
Click the note icon to create a note about the eBook or a page of the eBook and save it to yourpersonal folder.
Click the dictionary icon to search for definitions of words in the eBook you are reading.
- Fit Page to Viewport: Click the icon to fit the entire page into the viewport.
- Fit Page Width: Click the icon to fit the page by width in the viewing area.
- Fit Page: Click the icon to view the entire page in the viewing area.
- Zoom Out: Click the icon to zoom out on the page.
- Zoom In: Click the icon to zoom in on the page.
- Location Slider: Drag the location slider right or left to go to a specific page of the eBook. Theleft and right arrows on either side of the slider bar take you to the beginning or end of the eBook. The page number updatesin the Page Navigation box as you drag the location slider.
- Page Navigation: Use the page navigation arrows to move up or down one page at a time or enter a pagenumber in the field provided and click Go.
The Notetaking feature assists with your research by allowing you to take notes on eBooks and save them to your My EBSCOhost folder for later viewing.To use the Notetaking feature in EBSCOhost:
- click the Notes icon in the toolbar from the page of the eBook on which you would like to leave a note.
- Click the + New Note button that appears in the Notes area. If there are existing notes, they appear in a list in the Notes area.
- Note: Click the Sign In link to save your note to your personal My EBSCOhostfolder account.
- Enter your note text in the field provided and click the Save button. You can adjust how the textappears in your note using the Bold, Italics, and Underline buttons above the text field.
- Your saved note appears in the Notes list.
- Click the Note title to edit the text.
- Hover your pointer over the note to either Delete or view the page number of the note.
- Click the
in the upper-left corner to close the Notes area.