Get Background Information
IV. Get Background Information after you choose your topic and develop your research question. Background sources can provide: a chronology or timeline for your topic, information about dates and events that are contemporaneous with your topic, scholarly opinions on your topic, keywords and subject-specific vocabulary for database searching, current thought on your topic, and other resources.
Background information can be found in textbooks, dictionaries, general and subject-specific
encyclopedias to name a few and can give you ....
A broad overview of the subject
Definitions of the topic
An introduction to key issues
Names of people who are authorities in the field
Major dates and events
Lead to bibliographies which provide additional sources of information.
Some good online sources for background information are:
- Gale eBooks provides access to encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. Title List
- eBook Academic Collection contains a growing collection of over 160,000 multidisciplinary eBook titles from a wide variety of subject areas, including Art, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Business.
- eBook Collection contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter, and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
- eBook Central Collection provides access to authoritative eBooks from the world’s top publishers on a range of subjects: arts, business management, education, general knowledge, health & medicine, history & political science, law, literature & language, religion & philosophy, science & technology, and social science.
Background Information for Academic Research Papers
by the Library at Sacred Heart University